Volume 7 Issue 29_Sun Bay Paper

It might be the biggest giveaway in American history. President Joe Biden wants to cancel more than $1 trillion of outstanding student loan debt. Biden has already delayed for more than a year student loan repayment, and under his new rules, most delinquent and deadbeat borrowers would NEVER have to repay. What a deal for the people who never paid a dime back of the tuition money they owe to Uncle Sam. This plan makes suckers out of the millions who have felt honorbound to pay off their debts. My wife spent years after graduating from college diligently writing checks to pay off the tens of thousands of dollars of loans. That's the way it works when you borrow money and you've signed a commitment to pay the money back. Think about what would happen if this loan repayment policy were to be implemented. Who would ever pay off a student loan ever again after this blanket forgiveness program? Who would benefit? The most recent Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances found that only 22% of families had student loan debt and that "student debt has consistently been disproportionately held by higher-income families." So this is a giveaway to the financially successful students and families paid for by middle-class workers, millions of whom didn't go to elite universities in the first place. Once student loans move to "free college" for everyone, university tuitions, which are already soaring at two to three times the inflation rate, would race further ahead of all other consumer prices. When I attended the University of Illinois in the early 1980s, the tuition was $1,000 a semester. Now, it's closer to $12,000 a semester. Where'd all the money go? The Biden administration has misdiagnosed the fundamental problem here. To wit: Colleges and universities have become fat, flabby and inefficient money burners with no accountability. No oversight. No getting rid of bad teachers and professors. No looking under the hood to see where extraneous costs could be axed. No demand on tenured professors to teach one or two classes a year. If student loan debt has to be retired, why should taxpayers pick up the tab? Why not force universities with massive endowments, in many cases in the tens of billions of dollars, to use that money to pay off the debts students incurred while they received virtually worthless, useless sociology, gender studies and psychology degrees? This would incentivize schools to cut their tuitions and their costs, something the academic elites are desperately trying to avoid. Democrats think that buying votes this November by making college essentially free will win them elections. But there is no free lunch, and there is no free college. It's just a question of who pays the piper. And it shouldn't be YOU. Stephen Moore The Sun Bay Paper Page 8 May 6, 2022 - May 19, 2022 Letters To The Editor Guest Editorial Letters Policy The Sun Bay Paper accepts letters to the editor on a wide array of topics. Go to: sunbaypaper.com to submit in a convenient online format, Letters should be no more than 500 words. No personal attacks, profanity or advertising pitches will be accepted. We are not censors but we respect good taste and welcome well-thought out letters as part of our commitment to community dialogue To the Editor, Regardless of your views on abortion, if you take emotion out of it you can easily see that ROE V WADE was a wrong decision. It was an overreach by the court as it is supposed to act as the protector and interpreter of the Constitution. Amendment X states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. I realize this is only a draft opinion but this has been a long time coming for it to be overturned. The court had exceeded its constitutional authority ruling on something the States need to handle. Rebecca Martin Online reader Ed.Note: I too realize this is only a draft but honestly, I have mixed feelings about the potential overturning of R v W. while I don’t personally believe in abortions, I also don’t believe that the government should be able to tell someone what to do with their body, (this includes wearing masks but that is another discussion) but some people use it as birth control, not using prevention methoda and abort if pregnant and that is wrong. I also don’t believe that someone should be able to do it after a heartbeat has been detected, which most experts place well after the first trimester at 5 1/2 - 6 weeks, at that point you have a person and it should be illegal. And what about these states that allow abortion until birth and some even after birth? I’m sorry, that is not just ridiculous! That is murder! Having said all that, I am concerned that some states will be making all abortion illegal, it concerns me because making something illegal doesn’t make it stop, it will continue on the ‘black market’ making it more dangerous to those who seak it out even in the first trimester. It is a complicated subject and these are just some of my thought on it. I wasn’t going to put this letter in but civil discourse is one of the most important reasons for publishing a paper.... Please write in and tell me yours thoughts so we can continue this discussion. The information contained in this publication is for educational, general information, and entertainment purposes only and is never intended to constitute medical, financial or legal advice or to replace the personalized care of a primary care practitioner, financial or legal expert. PHONE: (239) 267-4000 MAIL: 16970 San Carlos Blvd. #160, Ft Myers, Fl 33908 E-MAIL: production@sunbaypaper.com WEBSITE & DIGITAL VERSION: http://www.sunbaypaper.com The Sun Bay Paper To the Editor. Got this off Facebook but had to share with your readers: It takes between 21 to 35 days for a Russian oil tanker to get to U.S. ports and be offloaded. It also takes 35 to 60 days for a tanker from the Middle East to make the same trek. It takes about 120 hours to load the tanker and up to 24 hours to unload and quite often it takes up to three days before unloading the tanker can even begin. The average tanker burns 2,623 gallons of diesel fuel per hour. It is said that 22.38 pounds of carbon dioxide are created from burning one gallon of diesel fuel. So, in only one hour, a tanker ship hauling oil to a refinery in the U.S. creates 58,757.5 pounds of CO2 into our atmosphere. Then considering the average travel time of the tankers before it even arrives, it would result in over 27 million tons of CO2 per trip escaping into our atmosphere. In comparison, your family car burns between six and nine tons of CO2 per year. Without considering all the equations necessary to account for all the tankers coming to the U.S. each year, let alone our own exports, will someone please explain to me how drilling our own oil and moving it through pipelines, along with importing oil from Canada via pipeline, will not be more environmentally “green” for the world? Larry Cooper Ed. Note: Unfortunately Larry, shutting down our the pipeline and our self sufficient energy production never made any sense, neither did opening our borders during a pandemic! it’s just the Left’s radical adgenda to hurt this country. There is no other explanation for it! Hopefully some of the more reasonable Democrats are really waking up to that fact, there is a big difference between Being Woke and Being Awake! One of our goals is to help some more of them wake up! To the Editor, Seemed strange to me that protesters were there immediately outside the Supreme Court just after the leaked draft hit the Press, and with printed signs no less! Looks like it was organized ahead of time to me... Ya, I know, my friends already giving me the “conspiracy theorist” BS But you have to admit...Its Strange...... very strange. Nate Simpson Ed. Note: Does seem a little fishy doesn’t it? Quote of the Week If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. -George Washington Canceling Student Loan Debt Would Make College More Expensive