Volume 7 Issue 30_Sun Bay Paper

As a child in WilkesBarre, Pennsylvania, I knew May 30 as "Decoration Day" in memory of those who gave their lives in service to our country. This was during the period of Spring's awakening, too, when my sister, sixteen years my senior, with her husband, took me on our first spring picnic. I missed them when they moved away from our city. But on Decoration Day, cemeteries' graves were "decorated." During the winters' months mother's family's 3-pieces silver-colored cemetery urn had been placed in our home's cellar, to be brought into the back yard on a nice day in Springtime where it was cleaned and refurbished for its return to the nearby cemetery. It would soon be filled with lovely flowers. But on the Decoration Day when I was 10, my parents were unable to drive to the cemetery because of physical problems so I assured mother I could go alone on the streetcar to place a few flowers around the gravestones until father could later drive us there for a delayed decoration of the urn. I would be able to find the plot ... of course I could find the graves! ... I was 10!! She agreed .... reluctantly. I carried a small basket of little flowers, a large spoon, small bag of dirt, should it be needed, a paper cup for water to wet my flowers Within my deep pocket were a hanky, nickels for streetcar fare (ten cents each way) and a few extra nickels for an emergency. I was familiar with using buses and streetcars by myself, and told the streetcar conductor I was to get off "at the cemetery." At destination, I crossed the street where many families were entering…. the Oaklawn, the Maple Hill, and St. Mary's cemeteries - all in a row. I soon discovered I was directionally challenged as I wandered in search of some recognition of the Rapson stones!. .... I couldn't find them! Retracing my steps to the place where I had left the streetcar, I saw a saloon. It was late morning when I opened the door to seek a telephone to use to call mother for directions., those I professed to have known! Only a lone bartender was inside and he aided me and my nickel to call mother .... but when she asked where I was, I should have fibbed and said - in a church's office - because she was quite upset, never having been an alcoholic imbiber in her 53 years on this earth. But she recovered; and I was soon again crossing the street with my basket. I entered the gates of Oaklawn (instead of Maple Hill) Cemetery. Each had been named for trees, this having added to my original challenge, I found the plots, planted the "decorations," went to a water's spout, filled my cup 'til it .. "runneth over" ... two for me and two for the flowers, ... and soon I was on my way home on the next streetcar that had arrived. Wish I had known grandpa; and grandma had died when I was only five. Although it had been a challenging day, the cemeteries were decorated so lovely with flowers and flags, and memorabilia! I was so happy that I had experienced my special Decoration Day. But how quickly time has passed since I have become a resident widow for 32 years on this 7- mile island of Ft. Myers Beach, within southwestern Florida where I split time, spending nine months here and three with my home at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania. It is almost Decoration Day when my daughters in Pa. will drive to Maple Hill Cemetery .. or is it Oaklawn Cemetery? ... to decorate the graves. At 91 and 1/3, forgetting is par for the course, they say! My Memorial Days now are quite different. I may see the exalted beauty of the ROYAL PALM TREES along McGregor Blvd. of Ft. Myers. They display a sense of dignity and magnificence with their crowns of orbs and rich green plumed leaves. Here on the island, Mother Nature decorates trees, also! ... beautiful trees, mostly on the Bay side of the boulevard. The Sable or "cabbage" palm is the State Tree of Florida, to be seen at the Mound House. One may recognize a likeness of writer, Randy White's description of Gumbo Limbo trees, the official tree of the town of Ft. Myers Beach. Pink Trumpets and their flowers give great shade, while clusters of shades of pink, purple, lavender, red, or white adorn the Myrtle trees. Abundant Sea Grapes' fruits are enjoyed in jellies and wines. The Jacaranda, my favorite tree, proudly waving flowers of lavender blue. Geigers are in the Best Dressed Tree contests, each year displaying yellow or orange flowers, and the Silver Buttonwood is discovered having almost hidden tiny balls of fruit. Leaving the church I was visiting in Ft. Myers, I saw a magnificent blooming Magnolia Tree on its grounds - and the fragrance was "delicious" wafting from shiny and large white flowers, while the I smaller white Gardenia's flowers were just as beautiful in front of another! Church on our island. I am often reminded of the Bismarck Hotel in Chicago when I see the Bismarikia palm cooling itself with. fan-shaped fronds, while bowing their heads at the entrance to Chapel By the Sea, on our Island. And now in 2022, it is almost Memorial Day. I was recently watching the HISTORY channel on tv one evening the subject being "Aliens from Outer Space." I fell asleep. I dreamed a dream!!!! While the moon was yet visible, just before sunrise, I had walked along the shore line of our beach when I met a stranger who soon told me he had just been transported to "our'' planet from "his" planet, nurtured by a large star in a galaxy not our own! He was here as an observer. Would I show him EARTHLINGS? Strangely, I felt comfortable in his presence and told him I would try to do so. As we walked, I told him of that which we were hearing and seeing. We saw sea shells by the sea's shore, of course, but not compared to the elaborate display which may be seen in our island's library's nook. Birds were returning from their roosts as the distinctive lament of the mourning dove greeted us. It was "Turtle Time" and we even passed the nest of a loggerhead sea turtle, whose eggs were now protected with care and envelopment of yellow plastic "caution strips" and statement of fine for damage thereto. The alien began a conversation: AND WHOM HAVE WE HERE? They are trees. There are many different kinds of living trees that grow but they are not human. HOW TALL THEY STAND! MAY I HEAR THEM SPEAK? No; they do not have the gift of the sense of speech. YET, I THINK I HEAR THEM SINGING! No that is the wind rustling through the fronds. HOW I WISH I KNEWWHAT THEYWERE THINKING! No, No, no, they cannot think! OH, I WOULD QUESTION THAT. He focused his gaze upon the coconut palm, studying the leaf, stems, the leaflets, the flowerlets, the coconuts. He exclaimed ... I LIKE THESE PEOPLE! They are not "people" I insisted. Oh, stop at my condo, sit by my tv, and you shall witness "people." He came, he saw the news, documents of the day, commercials - lots of them-... as I clicked away the scenes of the town, our country, and the world. (first click…View of Ft. Myers Beach's recent Shrimp Parade! where those riding in fine cars - waved to those along the route /then ... waves of immigrants storming over our open borders. Bathers enjoying the waters of the Gulf/ Ukrainians bathed in blood -suggesting war crimes. Harmonic music from New York's Met/ clamorous "concerts." Clean view of 1980's Gulf's blue water/ contrasting present view. Commercia break: ! ! ! Diet foods/ plea for food for starving millions. Fashion Show/ Fashionable men arrested for porno showings. Meals on Wheels given in Love/ Politicians taking pride in serving their self-power. St. Patrick's Christians' hearts affirming God exists/ picketers' voices: God does not exist. As I clicked through the channels, they all soon appeared with the same excerpt from a recent Oscar Academy Award night, a gala affair to honor an outstanding male or female. But before that presentation, a questionable quip was delivered by the M.C. who was soon to be given a return slap in the face from a member of the audience .. a slap heard 'round the world. And that was the big NEWS OF THE WEEK! I turned off the tv. My new friend asked me "THESE ARE EARTHLINGS? MANYARE STRANGE IN THEIR ACTIONS OR INACTIONS. I PREFER THE PEOPLE WITH THE GREEN HEADS -YOU CALLED THEM ... TREES?" Trees are beautiful! God created them as He did humans. Trees can't think but too many humans are led by minds alone. If weather permits, I shall watch another of our island's beauty on this Memorial Night as on other evenings: The vivid colors of the sky are ever changing .. challenging artist: to try to give permanency on canvas to that medley of colors. Finally, the orange molten sun sinks into the Gulf as I look with awe upon this created majesty. Twilight soon falls as day and night are linked ever together yet ever apart. But all lights in all of Gulfview condos, unto the shores of our island, will not be lighted brightly during this Turtle Time, but I shall miss seeing their twinkles. Soon, as though someone has unknowingly flipped a switch, the sky is alight, the heavens become an incandescent dome, a sea of stars against a dark velvet background. It is then that I shall hear THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT at the closing of Memorial Day of 2022. Alice Glawe 32-year resident of Ft Myers Beach The Sun Bay Paper Page 24 DECORATION DAY, 1940/MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30, 2022 May 20, 2022 - June 2, 2022